söndag 20 april 2008

they say an end can be a start

it's been nearly two months since I last felt like this. this feeling of total hopelessness that it's not gonna get better. all my thoughts are killing me and I don't know what to do, where to go. there's a fine line between love and hate and there's so much drama around here. I can't get my mind around it. but I'm giving all my weapons away, cause I have to. and I'm gonna write that list of all the things that are good, cause otherwise I will drown in this pool.

- boston during springtime. it's so beautiful my heart aches.
- my friends, who happen to be the best in the world and seem to love me no matter what.
- to drive through boston by car.
- to discuss music with matt.
- eat brunch outside.
- the pour house and porter's and the few laughs it gave me.
- the sun, that have been shining constantly for one week now.
- the party last night. a lot of dancing and great people.

oasis - don't look back in anger
phoenix - if I ever feel better

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