last night was the last night at porter bellys. and even if we all know we're coming back and already are making plans for it, it's something special about it. it's the end of an era and today's graduation. jessica had made a cake, a whole bunch of people from EF was there and I tried to sing purple haze. it was hugs, pictures and redheaded sluts all night long. and then we walked home, followed G's ketchup line and had afterparty in peter's room. reminiscing about EF, gossip and food from student kitchen. it doesn't get much better than that.
today is the day after, and lovely as always. lunch and gossip with merel and larissa and I love this.
monday and tuesday were slow days. I was sick and laid mostly in bed, watched movies, dragged my ass to class or laughed in the streets with Liz and merel. wednesday I spend three hours at the ER, playing tetris with merel and waiting for my antibiotika for my infection. I'm done with my classes, and yesterday kyle gave me back my essay on bob dylan/ryan adams with the grade A++. oh happy day!
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